46S Cardano Stake Pool Rewards Update

🎉 Exciting News for Our Cardano Community! 🚀 Effective November 1, 2023: Lowered Fees, Higher Rewards, and Increased Pledge!

Dear Cardano enthusiasts,

We’re thrilled to share some fantastic updates regarding our stake pool, demonstrating our commitment to your success and the growth of our community.

1. Lowered Fees, Higher Rewards:

Thanks to a recent parameter change on the Cardano network, we’ve successfully optimized our fee structure to better serve our valued delegators.

🔍 Old Fee: 340 ADA per epoch

🚀 New Fee: 170 ADA per epoch + 1% of epoch rewards

This strategic adjustment not only halves our per-block fee but also introduces a 1% share of epoch rewards, significantly enhancing the rewards for all our delegators.

2. Increased Pledge Amount:

In addition to the fee updates, we’re excited to announce an increase in our pledge amount from 21,000 ADA to 25,000 ADA. This enhanced pledge demonstrates our continued dedication to the success and security of the Cardano network.

Benefits for Delegators:

Increased Rewards: More ADA will now be distributed to our loyal delegators in each epoch, thanks to the updated fee structure and increased pledge amount.

Enhanced Security: A higher pledge reinforces our commitment to the stability and security of the Cardano network, providing you with added confidence in our stake pool.

Transparent and Fair: Our commitment to transparency ensures that you receive your fair share of rewards without hidden costs or surprises.

How to Reap the Rewards:

  1. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on our communications for any future updates or changes related to our stake pool.
  2. Delegate or Re-delegate: If you’re not already staking with us, now is the perfect time to join! If you’re an existing delegator, consider re-delegating to maximize your earnings with our updated fee structure and increased pledge.
  3. Enjoy the Benefits: Sit back and watch as your ADA holdings grow, knowing that you’re part of a community-focused stake pool with your financial success in mind.

At 46S, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best possible staking experience on the Cardano network. Join us in this exciting journey towards a more prosperous future.

Thank you for your continued trust and support!

Best regards, 46S Team